Category Archives: General chit-chat

# Esmerelda had a plan

I’ve written another song.



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Filed under General chit-chat, Satire and humour, Songs and poems

An eye for an eye and a cake for a cake

Why Tesco should resist pressure to discriminate against Asher’s bakery


The old maxim, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”, was intended to restrain the lust of the outraged for vengeance, in order to prevent an escalation of conflict. Continue reading


Filed under Asher's, General chit-chat, Law, Persecution of Minorities, Punning blog post titles, Righteousness, Satire and humour

Does someone you love hate you?

Implacable hostility often isn’t mutual.

It is a myth promulgated by a cliché, that implacable hostility on the part of one of two separated parents towards the other, must necessarily, or even usually, be reciprocated.  Most parents who separate manage to consider their children’s interests, alongside their own emotions.  Unlucky indeed is the child with two alienating parents, caught in a “tug of love”.

Ricky Dearman speaks fondly of Ella Draper!

In the court’s judgment in Re P and Q (Children: Care Proceedings: Fact Finding), the Hampstead Witch Hunt case,  at paragraph 63, Mrs Justice Pauffley wrote:

  1. Mr Dearman was taken in evidence to the entire series of sexual and other allegations made against him. He denied there was truth in anything suggested. He does accept that the breakdown of his relationship with the mother both at the time and subsequently was acrimonious. But, said Mr Dearman, “There are two sides to the story. I’m not perfect. I’m a decent guy and a good father.” Of the mother, he said this – “When Ella is not doing crazy stuff she is a really beautiful person.”

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Filed under Children's Rights, Family Rights, General chit-chat